Conditions for enrollments | ILERI


Conditions for enrollments

Admission to the Bachelors degree

The ILERI Bachelors degree in International Relations, based on the acquisition of skills, is a route to all admissions: post-Bac, Bac+1, Bac+2.

Admission is upon submission of a completed application file, a written examination (general culture, MCQ in current geopolitical affairs, English, law, or economics for parallel entry in the 2nd or 3rd year) and individual interview. The Bachelor course is open in the first year to holders of the Baccalaureate, in the second year to those who have successfully completed Bac+1 studies (60 ECTS credits), in the third year for those who have successfully completed Bac+2 studies (120 ECTS credits).


Admission to the 2nd Cycle

The Higher degree in International Relations can be accessed in the first year following successful completion of a Bac+3 (180 ECTS credits) or in the second year, following successful completion of a Bac+4 (240 ECTS credits).

Admission is upon submission of a completed application file, including an outline of research interests (presentation of a two-page summary of the research subject, thesis plan and brief bibliography), a written examination (general culture, MCQ in current geopolitical affairs, English, law, or economics or international relations) and interview.

This degree typically attracts students from the following backgrounds: law, economics, administration/economics/social studies, political sciences, management, history, geography, etc.


Registration fees

The fee for the selection examination is 100.00 euros (one hundred euros), payable online at the time of your online registration.

*N.B.: these ILERI fees are non-refundable if the registration is cancelled by the applicant, and in the case of non-admissibility or non-admission. Applicants can take the examination at only one session in a given year, and can only submit to the examination process twice for a given programme.

Dates of entrance exams

Subscribe on line to be selected for the entrance exams for the academic year 2019-2020.


The date of the exams for those living in France can be chosen among the dates indicated for so doing on the applicants’ file.
The applicant can only sit the exam session once per year and can only subscribe twice for the same program (Bachelor or Master).
There is a limit to the entrance numbers.
The students who are selected can book their number after the results. Consequently, the availability decreases with each exam session.

Apply online to the entrance exams for the academic year 2013 -2014

Thanks to « CONCOURS ILERI PARIS » a Facebook application designed for ILERI, each applicant can benefit from the possibility of easily registering online and sit the entrance exams directly. This can be done after the pre on line subscription then send on the file by post.
Applicants who are accepted sit their written exams online and do their interview on visio-conference through Skype.

Conditions for sitting the exams on line:

Once the applicant’s file has been examined and admission to the entrance exam is confirmed, students receive an ID code with a pass word, enabling them to connect  to the written exams.
The applicant must remain connected to Skype for the entire duration of the exams and prove his/her identity before so doing. The written work is then software-tested for plagiarism. If proof of dishonesty is found, the applicant is immediately eliminated, without any possibility of re-applying.
The individual interview is also organized on Skype. The conditions for entry and the process of selection are the same as for the written entrance exam.


To apply for the selection exams, fill in the applicants’ file and print it out, sign it and send it back to the l’ILERI with all the necessary papers required in the file. The analysis of this file will then be possible.
The files must be completely filled in. Only one entrance exam per year is possible.
The deadline for handing in the files is 3 days before the admissions session.
The results (possible acceptance-acceptance-refusal) will be sent by post or by email to each individual applicant.
More information regarding the applicants is available at the communication department of out Institution.

Selection process

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